
Rolls Royce Overhaul Instructions For Aircraft Engines Model V-16S0-9


Rolls Royce V-1650-9

Issued: July 25, 1945
Revised: January 3, 1947



This Publication comprises the Overhaul Instructions for the model V-1650-9 aircraft engine, manufactured by the Packard Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan, Overhaul personnel should also read and be familiar with the information contained in the Handhook of Service Instructions, AN 02ยท55AD-2, which forms a part of the complete overhaul instrunions for_these engines. The text contains many referen:ces to section XII, which is that (Xlrtion of the Table of Limits, AN 02-55-1, pertaining to the engines covered in this Handbook. In a few cases, clearance or torque limits are given in section XII which were not available at the last reissue of AN 02-55-1. Also, if discrepancies are noted between the limits given in section XII and AN 02-55-1, it may be assumed that the publication bearing the more recent date wi!! rake precedence. For tbe replacement of parts, refer to the Parts Catalog, AN 02-55AD-4. Specifications numbers as listed in this Handbook

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