Grumman Model GA-7 Cougar Illustrated Parts Catalog 1978


Issued: October 15, 1977
Revised: May 15,1978

This Illustrated Parts Catalog “provides an illustrated parts breakdown of the parts necessary for the support of the GA-7/Cougar aircraft. It is intended as an aid in identifying and requisitioning parts, and for illustrating assembly and disassembly relationships. Generally, assemblies secured. by bonding and weldments are riot broken down except for seals, rub strips, nut plates and other similar components.
This Illustrated Parts Catalog is a companion document to the GA-7/Cougar Maintenance Manual and contains parts information for which maintenance  pactices coverage has been provided.

This catalog is divided into the followings ctlons:

Preceding this Introduction is the table of contents, which lists the three sections that constitute this catalog. The table also lists each chapter (system or category) of Section IU, the Detailed Parts List. Preceding each chapter is a Table of Contents which lists the contents of the chapter.


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