Grumman Mallard Amphibian Model G-73 Service Manual



REISSUE  August 1, 1951
has 356, pages



This reissue of the Mallard Service Manual supersedes the previous issue and any revision thereto; it covers the early airplanes as well as later airplanes in which various design changes have been made ( such as the revised carburetor air system, bladder type fuel cells etc.) Some parts of the previous issue of the manual ( electrical and communications wiring diagrams) have been deleted form this reissue as applicable diagrams are supplied when the airplane is delivered and these installations vary with each airplane. All text which has been revise since the last issue of this manual has been printed in a lighter face type.

This manual is intended to serve as a reference and guide for Grumman Mallard (Model G-73) owners, operator and service personnel.

Those who have had experience with Grumman aircraft, military, commercial or private, will find that on one of the characteristic qualities of simple design, efficient operation and ease of maintenance has been sacrificed to the luxury and comfort of the Mallard.

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