Cessna Model 414 and 414A Chancellor Illustrated Parts catalog 1969 Thru 1985, P656-4-12


Cessna Model 414 and 414A
Illustrated Parts Catalog

Revision :  4 May 2008
Cover date: October 1982


The purpose of this Illustrated Parts Catalog is to illustrate and identify replacement parts and assemblies necessary for the support of the model covered herein. The information in the catalog is based on data available at the time of publication. Refer to the Maintenance Manual, not this Illustrated Parts Catalog, to determine removal and installation procedures. The airplane operator has the responsibility to use applicable rules to determine the status (or airworthiness) of the airplane. B. This Illustrated Parts Catalog is divided into chapters which correspond to equivalent chapters in the Maintenance Manual. It is prepared in accordance with the Air Transport Association 2200 Specification Format.


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